Brilliant Resumes
How to Build a Career Change Resume?

How to Build a Career Change Resume?

It is never easy to take a decision on career change. It usually takes immense time and effort, particularly if you have to start from scratch. Zero experience in the industry before can make it really hard to find a job in the new role.

But do you know there is an alternative method to make the steps easier towards career change?

This method gives you more interviews in lesser time and enhances your chances of being hired.

A professional resume is considered as a powerful tool for commencing the process and is the most effective way to demonstrate your skills and experience.

Today, we will explain how a customized resume works, reason why it is so important to support your career transition, and how to craft a resume for career change.

Reasons behind tailoring your Career Change Resume

As you apply for a new job, recruiters generally receive hundreds or even thousands of resumes for a single position. Your professional resume needs to stand out from the crowd in case you want to get noticed. Tailoring your resume requires mention of specific details that make you an ideal candidate for a particular role. Customize your experience section by focusing on past projects and achievements that coincide directly to what they are looking for in an employee.

  1. Your experience is in a different field: As you have been working in another industry for years, it becomes cumbersome to explain yourself in a new manner as you apply for a job in a new industry. So, it’s imperative to tailor your resume for going through a career transition.
  2. Your deliverables were different: When you have worked in one industry and are now moving on to another one, most likely the tasks which were performed by you tend to be different from those performed by other working in the same industry today.
  3. Tailoring saves employers’ time: You make it easier for employers to identify your pertinent qualifications quickly by tailoring the resume. It also enhances the chances that your resume will be thoroughly read and considered. If you tailor your resume against a specific job opening, it showcases your interest in the company, thereby saving the time of both you and your employer, while showing your efforts.
  4. Helps you grab your dream job: A tailored resume helps you land up with your dream job. So, take the time to research the company and the open position, so as to portray that you have a genuine interest in the role, thereby leaving a positive impression on the employer. They will know that you can comprehend the job’s requirements, while not just applying to a job available.
  5. Matches the necessities of the job role: Employers very often post particular qualifications and requirements for each job opening. Customize your resume by highlighting the skills, experiences, and accomplishments to directly align with the job being applied for. The customized resume demonstrates that you possess the qualifications employers are seeking, thereby making you a stronger candidate.

Tips on how to tailor your resume for career change

As you are looking for a new job and you have also decided to pursue a career change, it’s high time to edit your resume. Don’t worry too much about it, as there are different ways to make your resume more effective, in spite of your experiences being not directly related to the job you’re applying for. Here are the tips:

  1. Highlight skills that are relevant across industries: Always highlight transferable skills and edit your resume by showcasing your core competencies and transferable skills. These skills can be used across multiple industries and often include problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership, even while creating a career change resume. Skills like communication and organization are usually transferable within industries and roles. You can opt for good professional resume building services to create a customized resume for you.
  2. Avoid irrelevant information from past jobs: Don’t include irrelevant skills that do not apply to the position that you’re applying for now (unless they are certifications). You should not worry about losing valuable keywords as they don’t matter anymore. This will make room for relevant contents to help recruiters understand that it is relevant for them to hire you.
  3. Edit your objective statement: In case you’re making a career change, you must tailor your resume to demonstrate the skills and experience relevant to your new industry. Commence by customizing your resume summary or objective statement, and focus on transferable skills to showcase how they align with the target role’s requirements.
  4. Apply a combination resume format: It will be wise to use a combination resume format where the chronological, skills-based, and functional formats meet to create a good resume as you create a career change resume. The hiring manager, thus, gets an overview of your present experience and achievements with edited or highlighted skills and degrees to match up with the job requirements.
  5. Education section requires major changes: When you are changing careers and you have to show that in your resume, the first thing you need is to edit your education section. Make sure that you include majorly the ones that are related to your new career.
  6. Always use relevant keywords: If you want to get noticed, use keywords that match the new job description. They will help employers in screening your resume and consider your application for a possible interview. Ensure that all skills listed on your resume are in line with the job you’re applying for, especially while building a career change resume.


Whenever you are applying for a new job position that is different from your current job or you are going for a transition in career, it is imperative to create a professional resume meant for career transition. Although, you may not possess the relevant expertise to build a resume, but if you comply with the above tips, then definitely you will be able to craft a tailored resume relevant to the job position you are applying for.

Transition from one career to another can pose to be very difficult at times, because there are multiple factors to consider and prepare for, while apply for a job position. Getting accustomed to a new field often takes extra time to adapt with skills and prepare for interviews professionally, requiring careful planning and advice from others.

If you are facing difficulties in editing your resume as per the new job role’s expectations, you must contact resume writers like Brilliant Resumes, the best professional resume writers, to grab your copy of tailored resume within affordable resume prices and short turnaround times.



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