09 March, 2024 | Author
How to crack the code of a Perfect Marriage Bio-Data?
Marital Bio-data and a Resume formats compatible with a job application are completely distinct. Most of us develop a CV for a grabbing a job and then revise and polish the same multiple times over the years. But in case of creating a perfect marital bio-data, the mystery unfolds that marriage or matrimonial CV is created for a one-time purpose within a lifetime.
Although everyone embarks on creating a very attractive professional resume for jobs, most of the bachelors do not find it easy to create their marriage bio-data format for marriage. In fact, it is for the same reason that one postpones or hurries the crafting of their marriage bio-data. But, you need not be concerned any longer. We, at Brilliant Resumes, have resolved the mystery of perfect marital bio-data. Below we explain the components of an ideal matrimonial resume, while providing you with the perfect bio-data format for marriage.
Blueprint of a Marriage Bio-data
We are mentioning a simple do-it-yourself solution for crafting an impressive matrimonial resume. Comply with the procedures and cross-verify against the points to develop a clear and beautiful marital CV. Firstly, you need a laptop or computer and a few attractive pictures of yourself. Below is a blueprint for an ideal marital bio-data.
Include your Name and Contact Info
Write down the full name of the would-be bride/bridegroom. Below it, there needs to be a comprehensive address including the house (or flat/villa) number, floor number, street name, road name, a city, and a pin/zip code. As we are living in the digital age, inclusion of an email address and mobile number (or landline number) is definitely required. There are people who set up a completely different email address only for the purpose of marriage matchmaking.
Insert your Photograph
Since, a picture is worth a thousand words, individuals like to take a look at the photo even before glancing at the information. Most will likely lose interest in reading the resume if the photo is missing or not an impressive one. So ensure to include an impressive photo of the bride/bridegroom-to-be, which should be in color and recent. You can also set more than one photograph, which should be done in later steps.
Never include a group photo of you and your friends or family. Ensure that you’re smiling and wearing proper clothing and accessories. Photos that reveal only your face aren’t ideal, and do not attempt to edit or add special effects to any photograph.
Write something About Yourself
Usually a reader wants to know more about you rather than your name, address, and face, so this section must come before the ‘About the Family’ and other relevant sections. It needs to comprise almost everything briefly about yourself, and you should start by discussing your physical appearance. The titles should look something like the below-mentioned points:
Date of Birth
Height & Weight
Physical Impairment (if any)
Marital Status (Only if Divorced/Annulled/Widow/Widower)
Mention your Professional Position
A few phrases in which you inform the reader about your organization, your title, your place of employment, and the date you got associated with them. Rather than discussion your precise pay, which might raise concerns for both parties, an approximate figure with perquisites can be mentioned on the safe side.
State your Educational and Professional Details
Here, you have to include info pertaining to your academics, covering your professional and institutional qualifications. Just as in a job-related CV better qualifications are usually prioritized, education plays a significant role also in a marriage CV. Since a school is a formative period of life, state the name of your school, college, and university in case they are reputable institutions. You are always free to add, delete, or modify any heading to match your preferences and needs. The standards and information mentioned in this area are considered enough to describe you.
Give a Brief about Your Family
As mentioned earlier, family details are considered extremely vital. So detailed information about members of the immediate family must be mentioned here, which comprises both parents, brothers, and sisters, as well as their spouses.
The family information section can be elaborated as under:
Father’s name, qualifications, and occupation
Mother’s name, qualifications, and occupation (if working)
Number of brothers and sisters, their qualifications and employment, from eldest to youngest
Family structure: Joint or Nuclear
Religion or belief system in family
Family caste and social class
Mention something about your Personality including Interests and Hobbies
This information is optional, but it might be useful for the potential life partner and their parents. In case you want to attract someone with common tastes and preferences, you can provide these details. You can also elaborate on your personality, taste, style, and way of life in this section. You can also mention the following:
Vegetarian/Non-Vegetarian Eating Preferences
Indicate if you are a Smoker, a Non-smoker, or a Teetotaler
Share your hobbies, life opinions, and other social habits like serving the needy and teaching the underprivileged, with knowledge of languages, countries visited, sort of reading you are interested in, and so on. It would give you an extra mileage in explaining the type of person you are.
Sample of Marriage Bio-Data