Brilliant Resumes

The Complete Guide to Using LinkedIn to Find a Job in 2024

For someone like me, who has been working in resume writing services for over 15 years, the rise of LinkedIn has been phenomenal. Since its acquisition by Microsoft, the company has 4.67 million members in Australia, with 16.7% of members actively participating in user activities on a monthly basis. Also, LinkedIn is no longer just a digital resume, it is now a very active professional community with forums, professional conversations, professional influencers and networkers.

we’ve created a roadmap (from a job seeker’s perspective) in this guide to help you get the most out of this platform, focusing on developing current and future networking strategies and job search.

1. make sure you optimize your LinkedIn profile:

we recommend taking some time to review your LinkedIn profile before you start networking or job hunting. Basic profiles are basically useless – it’s like using incognito mode. Ideally, your profile should be interesting, complete and up-to-date. LinkedIn users will want to know more about you, so make sure your job title, resume, current company description, and key talent are clear and compelling.

we’ve created a full article on optimizing your LinkedIn profile to help you with your job search, you can check it out here: Here are my top five tips for optimizing your LinkedIn profile:

Remember that presentations can sometimes succeed or fail based on first impressions. So master the basics.

2) How to use LinkedIn to search for jobs:

we recommend you click on this link to search for jobs on LinkedIn and learn about the platform and its basic job search features. at

It is important to master job search platforms and tools. Beyond the basics, sophisticated search filters can be your friend, allowing you to fine-tune your job search (and cut through the noise). It is recommended to try the search function. Explore the nuances of refining your search results by region, industry, and job type to ensure the opportunities you find align with your career goals. Also consider how to start your job search which may come under different titles or job titles.

Tip: To stay ahead of the competition in a competitive job market, take advantage of LinkedIn’s Job Alerts tool. By setting up personalized alerts, you can ensure that you receive notifications of new opportunities that match your interests and skills. This feature helps you in your job search and makes you a capable and motivated candidate.

3) How to Successfully Connect with Hiring Managers on LinkedIn!

This is my best advice. You’ll need to get creative to connect with hiring managers directly on LinkedIn. It’s not enough to send a connection request, you also need to identify the right leads based on the role and use non-obvious strategies.

First, search for the company name. Then select the People tab. A complete list of companies and employees is available on this tab. However, if there are too many results, try using the filters provided to narrow your search by job title and location. Then you need to establish the connection. we recommend starting with a simple “login” and then “but don’t write a personal message yet. Instead, use a basic LinkedIn introduction. Why? Because most acceptances are made without reading the note from assistance Once they approve your connection, you can send them specific messages.

4) How to create a powerful email opener (with examples)

Consider adding more sample letters for different situations, such as expressing interest in a current job or applying for a potential future role. Hiring managers will find you valuable because of your proactive attitude and long-term career prospects, as evidenced by your forward-thinking approach.

5) How to connect with recruiters on LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is an inexpensive way for recruiters to find candidates. But expanding your network of contacts can also significantly help you market. And it’s not hard to do!

Before using LinkedIn to connect with recruiters, find and follow recruiters on LinkedIn who specialize in your industry or area of ​​interest. You can do this by looking at the relevant company’s job profiles or by using LinkedIn’s search function. Actively participate in posts, articles and updates shared by recruiters. Show your interest in their content by liking, commenting and sharing to make yourself more visible on their network. Forwarding a custom connection request. Briefly explain your background, your career aspirations, and why you think this relationship is important. If a recruiter offers a position that matches your interests and skills, express your interest in a role via direct message or in the comments field. This proactive approach to connecting with recruiters on LinkedIn will show how excited you are about the opportunity to network like a professional!

Tip: Don’t talk too much.

6) How to grow your LinkedIn network:

Expanding the size of your LinkedIn network can improve your career prospects and increase your interest in LinkedIn feeds. Fortunately, LinkedIn’s sophisticated network recommendations feature often provides curated connections, making it easy to connect with people with just a click. To find professionals in your target industry or industry, use LinkedIn’s advanced search options if you want to dramatically increase your number of connections. Send a personalized message saying you’d like to connect and request a connection. To grow your network on LinkedIn, we recommend targeting 30-50 new connections per week.

7) How to use your existing network to find job opportunities and leads:

Using your existing network to find potential clients goes beyond responding to job applications. Select a contact who is likely to have knowledge or connections in your chosen industry or organization. You prefer people with whom you have an ongoing relationship or who have similar professional activities. Once you find a potential ally, use the following actions to create a deep


Begin your communications with a friendly and unique greeting. Talk about how you met them and anything you have in common, such as past projects, networking meetings, or connections. So ask for advice. Politely ask for advice rather than issuing orders, but make sure your intentions are clear.

9) How to Join LinkedIn Industry Community:

Expand your professional network and follow industry discussions and topics on LinkedIn by strategically joining relevant industries or forums. Start using LinkedIn’s search and recommendation features to find relevant groups. Look for organizations with large memberships and active discussions. Submit a request to join the industry forum on LinkedIn, and if approved, take the time to watch the discussion. Pay attention to the labels and kit requirements. Participate in the conversation by providing insightful comments, asking questions, and providing insightful feedback. Avoid promotional content and focus on building real links. Find people with similar interests or goals to yours and send them a personalized connection request. To start a conversation, you must show your shared membership in the group. Participate regularly in group discussions to stay up-to-date on industry trends. Maintaining a respected presence in the community requires consistency. Regularly participating in industry or news LinkedIn forums will help you build your network and establish yourself as a knowledgeable and collaborative professional in your field.

10) How to monitor company posts on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a popular platform for businesses to promote themselves, and many of a largest multinational companies using it as an essential PR tool. Therefore, following company listings on LinkedIn is a useful strategy to stay abreast of market developments, job opportunities, and regulatory news. Start by subscribing to companies that catch your eye. This ensures that you stay up to date with their latest actions so that their updates appear in your LinkedIn feed. To receive instant alerts when certain companies post new materials or make important announcements, turn on updates for those companies. This feature ensures that you don’t miss any important information. Create a special list or feed of updates from the companies you want to target on LinkedIn to help you organize your feeds. This makes it easier for you to identify and focus on relevant content. Actively engage with content shared by the companies you care about. To show them you care about them and make yourself more visible in their network, you can like, comment and share their posts.

11) Does LinkedIn Premium make sense? I often get asked if LinkedIn Premium is worth it. The decision to invest in LinkedIn Premium is complex and varies depending on the candidate’s preferred method. Learn how services like InMail Credit and Advanced Search Filters address the complexities of a specific job search requirement, rather than simply weighing benefits against financial constraints. However, there are some advantages if you can afford a lift. Increase Visibility With features like InMail credits, LinkedIn Premium gives you more visibility and allows you to send messages to people outside your network. This can make it easier for you to connect with recruiters, potential employers or network. Advanced Search Filters: Advanced subscribers can use enhanced search filters to refine searches by specific job title, company, or location. This can be useful for targeted job searches or networking events. LinkedIn Learning: A premium membership often includes access to LinkedIn Learning, which offers a variety of online courses to support your professional development. This feature is very useful if you like continuing education. This can be useful for targeted job searches or networking events. LinkedIn Learning: A premium membership often includes access to LinkedIn Learning, which offers a variety of online courses to support your professional development. This feature is useful if you prioritize continuing education. Open Profile: If you have an open profile that allows offline LinkedIn users to send you free messages, you have the option to purchase a premium membership. This way, you can make yourself more visible to recruiters and other potential employers. In addition to additional facilities

So does LinkedIn Premium make sense? On a professional level, we would say yes and yes. As long as you are willing to invest the time necessary to learn how to use these tools to their full potential. Using video presentations on LinkedIn can transform your profile

In conclusion… LinkedIn is still a great tool to connect with people in the business world because it can create many opportunities. As you begin your job search, remember that planning, continuous learning, and dedication are often the keys to success.

By using the right mindset and applying the tips in this guide, you can open doors, connect with powerful people, and ultimately land your dream job.

Very excited to apply for a job!



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