Brilliant Resumes

An Insight into writing an Academic CV

What do we mean by an Academic CV (or Research CV)?

By an Academic CV we mean a complete synopsis of around two or three pages comprising of the candidate’s educational and academic background. Along with college and university transcripts, the personal statement or statement of purpose, and the cover letter, post-graduate students need to submit an Academic CV to apply for research, teaching, and other faculty positions at universities and research institutions.

Creating an Academic CV or a Research CV or an Academic Resume is rather different than writing a professional resume. It is focused on the candidate’s academic experience and qualifications for the position. Also, relevant work experience can be included if the position demands the same.

What’s the difference between a CV and a Resume?

Although, both CVs and Resumes summarize a candidate’s major activities and achievements, we find that a resume is more focused on professional achievements and work experience, whereas an Academic CV focuses on academic accomplishments and details the candidate’s educational experience, academic background, and relevant information.

A CV is usually a longer and more academic version of a resume, which details the candidate’s academic history, research interests, relevant work experience, publications, honors/awards, accomplishments, and other related details. As considered by grad schools, a CV is a quick indicator regarding the extent of one’s background in the field and the extent of academic potential one has. Grad schools use a candidate’s academic resume to assess the extent of success he/she is likely to get as a grad student.

Do we require an Academic CV for graduate school?

Just like personal statements, CVs are considered as common grad school application documents although not all programs require them. An academic CV is prepared for a similar basic purpose as a regular CV, i.e., to secure you the job one wants, the position in question being that of a grad student. A CV is actually a sales pitch for grad schools that mentions how a candidate is selling oneself.

Along with the college transcripts, GRE scores, and personal statement or statement of purpose, graduate schools usually require applicants to submit an Academic CV. The rules of drafting a CV for a Master’s or Doctoral application are a bit different than those for a standard job application.

Guidelines to prepare an Academic CV Format

The content of your CV might be compelling, but it needs to be clear and easy for graduate admissions committee members to comprehend. The following formatting and organization tips should be kept in mind while composing and revising the CV:

  • As one selects the formatting choices including indentation, font and text size, spacing, and grammar, one should also keep it consistent throughout the document
  • Bolding, italics, underlining, and capitalized words should be used to highlight key information
  • Reverse chronological order to list one’s experiences should be applied within the sections
  • Major information should be included at the top and left of each entry with associated dates on the right
  • Page numbers should be included on each page followed by the candidate’s last name as a header or footer
  • Academic verbs and terms in bulleted lists may be used with varied language and zero repetition of the same terms

How long should an Academic CV be?

Resumes are expected to be concise and are limited to one or two pages, whereas Academic CVs are not restricted by word count or number of pages. This is because Academic CVs are submitted for careers in research and academia. They contain similar sections and content like that of a professional CV, but they also require additional information regarding publications, grants, teaching positions, research, conferences, etc.

It is cumbersome to shorten the length without curtailing the number of CV sections one includes. Since the scope and depth of candidates’ academic careers vary greatly, academic CVs as short as two pages or as long as five pages will not surprise graduate admissions faculty probably.

Whom to Contact for preparing an Academic CV?

We, at Brilliant Resumes, draft Academic CVs after listening to candidates’ individual requirements through one-on-one discussions. We have come across candidates who have reverted back to us on their success in cracking interviews with reputed global universities in India and abroad. Reach out to us today to enhance your chances of cracking university interviews through creation of customized Academic CVs within affordable CV prices.



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